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Your Gift Makes a Difference

Did you know that Conestee Nature Preserve is owned and operated by a small nonprofit organization? 

Our dedicated staff teaches the classes, plants the trees, builds the boardwalks, clears the trails, plans the events, and does everything else required to make this special place enjoyable for you. This work is only possible, though, when it is funded by charitable giving. This means that, as much as you need Conestee Nature Preserve, it needs you too! And there are many tax-deductible ways to support Conestee Nature Preserve

Ways to Give

Friends of the Preserve

When you become a Friend of the Preserve, you’ll join a community of people who who share a passion for seeing CNP thrive.


You’ll also receive exclusive membership gifts and offers, including branded merchandise, early registration for events, and more!

Make a General Donation

Don’t want to join Friends, or you’re already a member and want to make an additional gift? Thank you! You have options.


You can make a donation through the form linked below, mail a check (PO Box 3, Conestee, SC 29636), or call our office for other options.

Flat Tail Fund

When unexpected damage gets in the way, our Flat Tail funders save the day!


Show that you “give a dam” about Conestee Nature Preserve… support our Flat Tail Fund today! This fund directly supports trail and boardwalk repairs.

Legacy Leaves

Our Legacy Leaf program offers you the unique opportunity to become a permanent part of the Conestee Nature Preserve landscape. 

Your custom message will be added to a metallic leaf, which will then be prominently affixed alongside other leaves on our Reedy River bridge. 

Estate Planning

Planned giving is the most meaningful way to make a transformative contribution that creates a lasting impact.

To learn more about planned giving options, consult your personal financial advisor or contact advancement director, Josh Zalabak, at

​Give a Tribute or Memorial

Honor a nature-loving friend or a lost loved one with a meaningful gift to Conestee Nature Preserve.

When making a tribute or memorial gift, please reach out to to coordinate details.

Donating Stock

Giving stock can increase the money received by the Preserve while providing tax benefits for the donor.

Click the link below to get started. After inputing the stock type and quantity of shares, select Conestee Foundation, Inc. as the organization you'd like to benefit.


Become a Friend of the Preserve

You and Conestee Nature Preserve are already friends. You’ve been hanging out for years. You found this page because you wanted to give back to a place you love. Why not make it official? 

We invite you to join the community of people who support and sustain Conestee Nature Preserve as Friends of the Preserve.

Special Projects

Nature Playscape

In the Playscape, nature will truly be your playground! This expertly designed landscape will provide a safe place to freely play, where kids can turn over rocks, splash in a stream, explore, hide, climb and unlock their creativity!

Free Field Trips for All Students

 We want to remove every impediment we can to getting children outside in nature.


So, field trips in are going to be absolutely free for all public schools! Want to help fund that effort?

Trail & Boardwalk Repair

Enjoy our trails? We are so glad! It takes constant maintenance to keep trails in good repair, largely due to heavy use and intermittent flooding. Help fund our Conservation Team's efforts to keep trails ready to welcome visitors!


Flat Tail Fund

Just like Conestee’s beavers, staff is relentless in maintaining the trails, decks, and boardwalks you enjoy in the Preserve, even when floodwaters rise, trees fall, or other damage occurs. But your help is needed! With your monthly support through Flat Tail Fund, the Trails Team can always be ready “when the dam breaks”!

Newsletter sign-up

Stay up to date with the latest Preserve happenings, including events, volunteer opportunities and more.
Conestee Nature Preserve Vertical Logo


480 Conestee Road

Greenville, SC

 Main Trailhead

840 Mauldin Road

Greenville, SC


P.O. Box 3

Conestee, SC 29636



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